134 Damn she's rich

"Oh!" Aria couldn't find the right words to out out.

"I hope I'm not bothering you with my long talks?"

"No,not at all Nicole,you can go ahead."

"Thank you." Nicole sighed. "For years I've been living like I don't have a mother because mommy always follows what daddy says, it's like, she's always there but she's always absent. Don't get me wrong,I love my father but sometimes I wish I'm not being stopped from during the things I love. Sometimes I wish I was just an ordinary girl,and not the ' Lawson's ' kind of girl."

"There's nothing wrong in walking up to your father and saying what you want."

"Everything is wrong about it,you won't understand. By the way, would you like me to show you around?"

Aria looked at the time on her phone and it was 8:15pm,"I'm good,I just want to rest."

"Don't be a boring roommate, let's go out for some chills."

"I'm sorry, I'll pass."

"Please roomie, please." Nicole said with a pouted lips.

"Okay,but we won't be long."

They went out and Aria was led into the parking lot by Nicole,she took out her keys and Aria's mouth went wild when she saw the car that Nicole had.

' This is a Royce Roll ',she said to herself.

Nicole had a oink Royce Roll that looks new and welcoming,it has new scent and the seats were pleasing.

' Damn, she's rich ',Aria screamed in her head.