153 Impossible to focus

Aria looked at herself in the bathroom mirror,"what are you doing Ria? This is not why you're here. You're here to focus,do not allow a boy be the cause of you loosing focus." She said to herself and muster the courage to go back in,sit and pay attention.

Corey's eyes did not leave her as she took her seat near him,"you're a freshman judging from your looks. Don't worry Ariana,I don't bite."

' How did he know my name?'

It's like Corey could read her mind cause he replied "your name is on your book."

"Oh",she said looking down at her book.

Ding...a message from Ethan beeped her phone.

Ethan:"You look uncomfortable,look behind you I'm sitting up and there's a space here for you,come and sit."

Aria couldn't believe the nerve of that nerdy boy, telling her what do like he's her father.

Ariana:"I'm fine here, thanks for the concern."

Ethan was a bit disappointed but he removed his bag and allowed someone else to sit in the seat.

No matter how hard she tried to focus her mind on what Mr Taylor was saying,it was impossible. The scent from Corey's perfume was killing her,and the way his arm randomly rubbed against hers when he's moving in his chair wasn't helping her situation.

"Okay students,I want you to choose a partner for the work I'm about to give. I give you all two minutes to pick a topic from the board and come forward with your partner." Mr Taylor said.