171 Angry friends

"Help her? By bringing her here? You know the rules about bringing random chicks here Jake ,doesn't she have a dorm?"

"Sorry for the inconvenience guys,my dorm was locked so Jake offered to help me pass the night here,I promise to leave early in the morning."

"She's sleeping in your room." Corey said to Jake and went back to playing his game. Mario joined him later.

Jake took her to his room and went to join his friends in the living room,Aria couldn't stop herself from peeping on their conversation.

"She is Nicole's roomie,why didn't she called her to ask for help since her dorm was lock." Corey said.

"I called Nicole severally but she didn't pick her calls. I didn't know they were roommate, Ariana never mentioned it to me."

"Isn't she the girl who interrupted our talk in the park today?" Mario asked.

"We should all forget it now, she's here already and we can't send her out. Next time a thing like this happen, please inform us first before bringing a random girl here." Corey told Jake.

"She's not random,you know her Corey",Jake retorted.

Aria didn't want to be the reason why his friends should be angry at him, but she was helpless,if she leaves now,where will she go? Besides,she can't allow Jake's effort goes to waste now.

She was going to off the light when she saw a picture of her sister hanging over the bed,she took it off the wall and slept with it in her arms.