165 Be nice

Aria met Corey in the park with some boys,they were all handsome and they look cool. "Hey",she spoke shyly.

"Hey",Corey replied.

The other two guys did not reply to her speech, instead they acted as if she wasn't there. Corey took his eyes from on her and also got engage in the discussion with his friends.

Aria felt her face turning red from embarrassment,if the ground could open at that moment she'll enter and hide in it.

One of the guys noticed her standing without moving, "hey,you lost?" He asked her.

"No,Corey and I have something to do."

"And by something she means homework." Corey said quickly before his friends could think otherwise.

"Okay,Jack and I will be at our normal spot. Call us when you're done." The same guy said and left with the other guy who looks worried.

"So... what's up", Corey asked looking at the books in her hands. "You brought this here all the way from your dorm? Wow!"

"I had no choice",she said sitting on the clean green grass near Corey.

"Are you going to say something about the assignment or are you just going to sit and stare at the grass all day long?" He asked her;not so politely.

"Hey,be nice. I stayed up almost all night trying to put things together for this work,and if you can't say " thank you",the least you can do is be nice to me."