178 I miss you so much mom

"What was he saying,did you all slept in the same house last night? And with Corey?."

Aria saw Linda to be some one that always pokes her nose in other people's business, nothing concerns her about where Aria slept last night,the fact that they're friends doesn't gives her the right to always be in people's business.

"Linda asked you a question Ariana." Ethan said and it annoys Aria.

"I heard her loud and clear, you're not Linda's spokesmen to repeat everything she says,stay in your lane please." She was frustrated and she had to lash out on some body,and that some body just happens to be nerdy Ethan.

She stood up and walked away from her friends, leaving them with bad feelings and regrets for asking her.

"Did we upset her Ethan?"

"No we didn't, she's been like that since morning, it's like something's bothering her."

Aria sat in the canteen alone again,she was now regretting for speaking to her friends in such manner.

She wasn't noted for being a harsh person,or someone that gets angry easily,but whenever she hears Corey's name, whether it's in a good way or bad way she just tend to loose it. She had to find a way to get him out of her mind or he will be her downfall.

It's moment like this that she misses her mother more,if her mom was still alive she would've told her what to do.

"I miss you mommy,I miss you so much",she said and bowed her head on the table and started to cry.