186 Caught up in their web

"When I first saw you and your daddy walking through the door,I saw a girl so innocent and friendly. I wanted to know you more before trusting you I was eager to make you my friend, I thought you were going to be different from the other fake friends. I thought we would have been close, maybe sisters,but you went ahead and prove me wrong today Ariana,now but know that you can't be trusted,and girl;you just got yourself a new enemy be ready." Nicole said and walked out of the room.

Aria sat thinking whether she's made enemy with one of the most popular and influential girl campus,and who is also her roomie. What will Nicole do to her now? This wasn't what she plan for,she just wanted to live a carefree life in college but now, she's caught up in the web of a sister and brother.

She took her phone out to inform Linda and Ethan about what happened, and what Nicole told her.

Ariana:"Hey Linda,you there?"

Linda:"Yep,how was your date with Jake?"

Ariana:"Firstly,it wasn't a date,and I'm in big trouble with Corey and Nicole, maybe Jake as well."

Linda:"What happened?"

Ariana:"Nicole and Corey were making jokes that wasn't going well with me,so I burst out on them and shouted with Nicole and Sebastian's situation. I'm in big trouble because Nicole Lawson just labeled herself as my new enemy."

Linda:"Oh girl,you DON'T wanna be enemies with thee Nicole Lawson."

Linda:"We'll figure out tomorrow,I have to go now."

Ariana:"I know,what am I going to do?"