194 Beautiful damsel

"I'm serious, I've never given any thoughts to having a boyfriend or a love life before."

"Is it you choice or boys don't come after you?"

"I don't know,but in Hamilton,I had three boys that asked me to be their girlfriend but I rejected all of them. I'm not yet ready for relationship,I think it's a waste of time,and besides,all boys do is lie."

"Yeah, you're right. They'll say that they love you but turn around and act different." Nicole said like she was reminiscing about something that happened to her in a relationship before.

"Growing up I never felt pretty enough,I was always intimidated by the white girls who had the perfect body, perfect height and beautiful skin."

"You can't be serious,girl have you met you? You look like a model from Victoria's secret,have you seen your eyes and your lips? I would kill to have your height and your body baby girl, you're a true definition of beauty,you just need to change your style a little and meet the new you girl."

"I know I should take this as a compliment but I feel insulted. My body, seriously Nicole,you can do better if you want to flatter me you know." She said laughing hard.

"I'm not flattering you Ariana, you're beautiful. I'm some times jealous by the way you walk and your smile,damn girl. I even wanted to name you beautiful Ariana."

"Hahahah,stop it Nicole. You're also pretty."

"Not as pretty as you, you're beautiful damsel Ariana, embrace it."