214 Be my girlfriend

Aria froze, her body seems lifeless and unable to move.

She stood there like a fool,just staring at Corey without saying anything.

" I meant what I said just now Ari,I love you so much. From the very first day I saw you seated in the front roll in class, looking so beautiful and innocent. I wanted to say hi but I was afraid, you looked so innocent and fragile and I thought getting close to you will be a mistake. Sleep has been difficult for me since then,and our kiss last night,it did something to me."

"What are you saying Corey?"

"I'm saying be my girl Ari,be by girlfriend."

"What! Is this a dream cause I want to wake up now."

"This is reality Ari, please don't say no."

"What about your sister? What about Bianca? Your friends,my friends and my sister,what about them? How will they feel?"

"My friends and sister don't have problems,and I'm sure Autumn will be okay."

"I'm sorry Corey but I can't. Nicole will be mad at me,and I may loose Autumn again,I don't want to. I'm sorry."

"Is it because of them or you just don't like me?"

"I do, I've always did Corey. But I can't be your girlfriend,there are so many people that will be against our relationship and I can't....."

Her sentence left hanging when Corey locked his lips on hers.

She didn't know how but before she could come to her senses they were already kissing passionately,he held her by the waist and took control of her lips.

He sucked on her lower lips,later went to the one up. He tangled his tongue with hers and took in every part of her.