236 Changed of mind

Autumn:" Hey Ria. My morning is good, I woke up with happiness;yours?"

Ria:"Mine is bad. What is the reason for your happiness this morning? Care to share with your little sis?" She sent the text with a smiley emoji.

Autumn:"I woke up to the face of the one I love (Jake),he slept here last night. Why is your morning bad?"

Ria:"Corey asked me on a date,but I have nothing to wear."

Autumn:"I could come to dorm to style you up,what you say?"

Ria:"No! It's okay Autumn. I will think about something."

She responded to her sister's text quickly,she didn't want her knowing that she slept at Corey's place.

Autumn:"Okay Ria,I'm show you'll figure out something. I have to go now,talk to you later."

She placed her phone on the bed,not knowing what to do she decided to check for Nicole's dress one more time.

She wasn't done checking when Corey entered the room with a shopping bag in his hands.

"What are you looking for?" He asked with his excitement failing away.

"Hey,where did you disappeared to again? You've been disappearing since I got here."

"I went out buy you a beautiful dress,take a look at it."

She took out the beautiful red dress from the bag and placed it on the bed, "this is a dinner dress."

"Yes babe, we're going on a dinner date this evening."

"I thought we were....."

"You thought right babe,but I changed my mind. We're going to spend the entire day in here and go for dinner later."

"Corey! You made me stay with you just to lie down here?"

"No,we were to go out but I changed my mind."