242 Happy Ari

"I love how happy you are tonight Ari." Corey said.

"Even I love it " She replied. "I'm so happy to see this place. The grass,the trees and everything reminds me of Hamilton farm."

"Is this how your place looks in Hamilton?"

"Not exactly as this place,but small similarities like the trees the atmosphere,the grass and some other things."

"You love your home right?"

"Who doesn't like their homes Corey? Everybody loves their homes. Seeing all these brings back memories of me,my family and my friends,I miss them so much you know."

"Tell me about you."

"What do you want to know about me?"

"I want to know who are your friends,how does your neighborhood look, what do you love about Hamilton, basically,just tell me about you."

"Well, Hamilton is a very loving place to be,the people there are friendly and caring. The have few friends at home and at school,I love spending time with them. The only thing that kept me happy,like so happy,was the fact that I had my family with me,but it changed when my mommy died."

Aria kept quiet like she didn't want to continue talking,the memories of her mother was still fresh and alive in her mind.

"Are you alright?" Corey asked sensing that something wasn't right with Aria.

"I'm fine,I just thought about a memory of mommy and I."

"You miss your mom right?"

"I do, waking up every day and realizing the facts that she is never coming back makes me wanna do something stupid. Every day I prayed to the Lord to give mommy one more chance,just one. Sometimes I don't feel like living to see the next day. Every day I wish to be with her."