244 He doesn't care

The musical instruments were no longer playing,mad the instrumentalists left the two people alone to have some private time.

"My father had another family other then us,he was with them most of the time. Even when he took us for vacation,he never stopped seeing them. My mommy was I'll and he didn't know,he wasn't there when we needed him to help get mommy back home. My father spend days before getting home;after the death of my mother. My family beliefs that it was his absence that killed mommy,and so when I choose to go back home with him,they saw it as betrayal."

"Wow, I think they took it too far. Everyone has the right to make decisions on their own. From what I know is that your mother had cancer,so what was going to change even if your father was present?"

"Everything was going to change Corey, everything! We were going to be happy, even without mommy,I would've had Autumn and Larry with me and things was going to be easier. But he choose them over us,now I don't know if Autumn will ever forgive him."

"She has to, he's the only parent she has now,she can't hate him forever."

"I hope so. Enough about me,what about you?"

"You've not said any tangible thing about yourself yet and you're already asking of me." Corey said laughing.

"What were we talking about now, wasn't it about me? Isn't it tangible?"

"You only told me about your mother's death,not something that I really want to know."

"So you don't want to know about the most painful incidence in my life?" She said thinking that he did not care about her mother's death and how it affected her life.