248 Heart shape pancakes

"Good morning",Corey said after succeeding in waking up Aria.

"Close the window,I still want to sleep",she said in a coarse tone,the light from the open window was making it difficult for her to sleep.

"Ari,it's 9am,you need to wake up. Your food is getting cold."

"Just two minutes, please."

"We have Mr Taylor's class today, remember?."

"Am I late! Oh my gosh I'm dead. What am I still doing in your house?" She was now awake from the mention of Mr Taylor's, she's been very consecutive since he called her the other day in class, she's vow not to make mistake that will make her noticable in a bad way.

"Relax,"Corey said laughing his lungs out, "today is Sunday,I just wanted to wake you."

She sat back on the bed and palm her forehead,"how could you Corey? You're evil."

"Yeah,evil for you. Now come down,your sister made breakfast."

"Autumn is here?"

"She left with Jake and Mario,but she made breakfast before going."

Autumn made heart shapes pancakes with blue grapes,just like how Lorraine made them when she was alive.

"Aww,so nice of her to make mommy's favorite shapes of pancakes." Aria said taking her fork and spilling honey onto the pancakes,she dug right into it without waiting for Corey.

"Babe,she made it for the both of us." He said pointing to the almost empty plate in front of Aria.

"I will make yours,but I'm finishing this one."

"I'm starving Ari."

After eating,Aria had her shower and wore Corey's clothes again,it was the for her to return to her dorm.

Aria thought of Nicole while eating,she hasn't spoken to her since the party. She wonders if she's fine.