257 He's a bad influence

Aria's mind was now lost from on her studies,all she could think about was Corey safety. Maxwell really look dangerous with all the tattoos and piercings on his body,his looks are far from being human.

She never wanted Corey to leave her dorm, especially at that hour but he was so stubborn and decided to go.

Nicole said nothing to Aria on Corey for the night,she just stared at the ceiling as if looking at an imaginary sculpture.

The silence was killing Aria,she wanted to asked questions. There were many questions running through her mind about Maxwell,who was he and what was Nicole even doing with someone as fearful as he?

She tried all she could to get Nicole's attention but to no avail.

"Nicole?" She said when she was done scratching her hair, throwing the butt on her ink,or just doing something to make Nicole look her way.

"I'm not in the mood to talk now Aria,zip it for the night."

"But Nicole,why will you date such a guy?"

"Such a guy like Maxwell?"

"Yes Nicole,I mean,he looks scary and it's like he's out for blood."

"I date who the f*** I want to date and it doesn't concerns you."

"I know it's none of my business but, can't you see all his tattoos and piercings,he looks like a war lord."

"I'm not perfect like you Ariana,and I don't want to be. I date guys with tattoos and piercings,I even date guys who do drugs,how is it your business?"

"Like I said, it's none of my business,but as a friend I'll tell you that he's not good for you, he's a bad influence. Trust me Nicole,you will regret dating him."