263 The drive

The day went by without Linda or Ethan seeing Ariana,she even missed her math class. Ethan almost cross his neck looking around class for her,it was her first time being marked absent in any of her classes.

Aria left campus and decided to go on a ride with Corey because she was feeling sick,and besides,she needed to clear her head and think about if she really likes Corey,or it was just lethal attraction.

Nicole's words about Corey last night really did something to mess with her mental health today,if she could tell a stranger all that about her brother,than if might be true.

The long drive was worth missing class,Aria felt free and safe from her problems about her relationship with Corey. Even though she was unable to tell her true feelings for Corey,bit she realized that she wanted to be with him.

Just looking at his smiles send goosebumps on her skin,his blue eyes had a magnetic force and she's drawn to him every time she sees him smile.

Whenever he's telling her about something that hurts him,it makes her heart to ache. She wish she could hug him and take all his pains away,she wishes nothing but good things his way,and it's love.

She just needed time for her to understand the true meaning of love then she'll know that her heart beats for Corey.

Corey drove her back to dorm late in the evening,the sun was now down and darkness was coming out.

"Thank you for the drive,I really needed it." Aria said taking her bag from the back seat.

"Don't mention babe, anything for you." Corey said and kiss her goodbye on the lips before letting her out.