270 Scary guy across the street

The man's face gives Aria creeps,he looks like one of the Zombies from the ' Walking Dead.'

His eyes were large and his face was pale.

He stood at the window looking at Aria straight in the eyes without saying a word for about five minutes. Even Aria couldn't speak because the look from the man made her scare.

"Hi sir,can you please help me? I feel like I'm in danger."

"Who are you?" The old man said still giving Aria the cold look.

"Who is that sweetheart?" Another voice came from somewhere in the house.

"It's nobody." The man replied closing the window curtains leaving Aria to handle her problems herself.

Aria grabbed her bag and hug it tightly, feeling afraid of what was going to happen to her and how to escape early.

She heard voices coming from inside the old man's house,it's like two people were arguing about something.

She could hear the voice of a lady screaming,but she couldn't hear the man's voice.

Aria's head jerk to the side when she heard the sound of dry leaves, someone was behind her but she couldn't see clear in the dark.

"Please! Help me Sir!" This time she banged on the door harder,she could feel chills on her skin and the hair on her neck stood up.

She cried bitterly, pleading with the man to open the door but no one came.

"What's wrong?"

She turned her head and she regretted instantly,it was the guy from across the street earlier. He stood down the the stairs with his two hands in his pocket. His beard was so long that it reaches his chest, even in the dim light Aria could see scars all over his face and his left eye was closed.