272 Haunted house

"Please, ignore my husband Matt, he isn't well."

"Oh! I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I know what you're thinking about my husband and I,but it's not what it is."

"Huh?" She asked pretending like she didn't know what Hannah was saying.

"From the way my house is one could think of me and my husband in another way;the way everybody on this street thinks."

"I'm not thinking negative ma'am."

"You don't have to hide it child,I would think the same if I was in your shoes. Everybody else on this street think of us as evil people,and we've been living isolated since we got here."

"What made them think so?"

"Stretch your feet child." The woman commanded Aria,while preparing the massaging oil. "It's better I don't bother you with my stories,I don't even know you that well."

Aria wanted to say more and know more but she didn't want to come out as someone inquisitive,she was in a very strange place and she knew nothing about this street or this couple.

"Thank you." She said to Hanna when the massage was done,her feet weren't swollen like before,but it was okay and less painful.

Aria was told to sleep in the living room because Matt refused to allow her sleep in any of the empty rooms.

She wonders what he.was hiding from her,she saw the look he gave his wife when she offered Aria the guest room.

She lie on the couch but couldn't sleep,she was afraid of what this people might do to her if she falls asleep, ' they look like members of the illuminati,' she thought.

She took her phone to text Autumn that she's fine,but her battery was dead,and she was so scared.