278 Stay here with me

"Hey Corey."

"Babe! You're going to be the death of me in the future. How dare you run off like that,what if something bad was to happen to you? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Corey, nothing bad happened?"

"But it would have."

"But it did not!"

"Be careful next time will you?"

"I will, how's Nicole?" Aria said diverting their conversation.

"Nicole is doing great. She's not the topic here now, please be careful next time. I almost lost my mind in the streets searching for you last night,I was worried."

"I said I will,stop worrying now."

"I love you Ari."

"I love you too",she said the words very low to avoid Autumn or Jake from hearing her telling Corey she loves him. It was actually her first time telling him she loves him and she felt stupid for saying it.

"I will see you tomorrow then?"

"Sure Corey, goodnight."

"Goodnight babe."

The three of them talk for a while until it was time for Autumn and Jake to leave,Aria was afraid to sleep alone,she knew she was going to have nightmares again.

"Autumn,can you please stay here with me? I'm scared."

Her sister smile widely like she was expecting Aria to ask,she was happy that her little sister still needs her.

"I should walk Jake out first",she said leaving the room with Jake.

"Good night Ariana",Jake said.

Aria took out her phone and texted Ethan and Linda why she wasn't in school,she did not give them details but she said she had swollen ankle,she even snap a picture of her ankle and sent it in their chat room.

They wish her speedy recovery and hope to see her the next day,Ethan email her some notes.