281 In group with Weirdos

"Hey, I'm Zoey. You are Ariana if I am correct?" The girl in Aria's group extended her right hand for a shake.

Aria found the gesture somehow but she ignored her feelings and also gave her right hand,"yes,I'm Ariana Ray."

"Nice meeting you Ariana. This is Patrick and this is Mason."

The two boys also shock hands with Aria.

"Corey's girlfriend right?" Mason said not taking his eyes off Aria's face.


"You are Corey's girl, aren't you?"

"Sort of."

"Sort of? Come on, we're happy to have a superstar girlfriend in our midst", Zoey said happily like a ten years old kid who got all her wishes from Santa. "So how did you manage to grab the hottest boy on campus?"

All three eyes were on Aria when Zoey asked her the question.

The news of her relationship with Corey escalated the few days she was out of campus,every body knew that they were dating; including Ethan who refused to believe without acquiring from Ariana herself.

"We're in this group to do History assignment right? I don't believe Ms V put us together to discuss about my relationship with Corey."

"Chill out will you? We have enough time in our hands to do Ms V work,it wouldn't hurt a bone if we have this time out to get to know each other." Zoey said.

"How does getting to know each other includes Corey's and I business?"

"We've been dying to be his friends for years now, maybe you could help us."

"Patrick!" Mason called his friend's name harshly, it's like Aria was not suppose to know that they out her in their group just so they can get close to Corey.

"Ignore my brother please?" Zoey said.

"Your brother? No wonder." Aria reply.