Chapter 287:- Princess Lara [ii]

Princess Lara did not speak instead her heartbeat began to increase. Her crimson eyes were slightly glowing in red. Her vampire fangs started to grow.

"Currently she is too weak. Please help her." At this moment, Adam felt that this maid was hiding something important.

Aditya's knees touched the floor as he bent down to put his palms under Princess Lara's head. Adam and the zombie Maid watched in silence as Aditya gently lifted Princess Lara's head. Aditya treated Princess Lara with utmost care. He treated her like she was the most fragile thing in this world.

Princess Lara kept staring at Aditya while he lifted her head. Before Aditya could give Princess Lara his hand, she suddenly moved. Aditya easily could have dodged and pushed Princess Lara away but knowing how fragile this woman is, Aditya didn't do anything. He watched in silence as the Princess wrapped her fragile and soft arms around his neck.
