
Dayos Levochtoch


Creator above, give me the strength and patience to not punch this hideous man before me, was what I was thinking.

The man in question was Valdomir Levbronem, Duke of Alason and son of Grand Duke Henrioter Levbronem. Their family is one of the twelve Great Houses which makes up the Imperial Council, the Great Houses are all descended from royalty; the former Kings and Queens of a divided Luminaris Prime. It would be no surprise, then, that I would be speaking with him; however, House Levbronem is at odds with my paternal and maternal families, House Levbotter and House Levensyek respectively. Not only that, they are in open defiance against the current ruling family. Let's just say, that me speaking with a Levbronem would make the covers for all the news outlets in Levelia.

"Samina, come on, it's not the worst proposal in the galaxy, right?" Valdomir said, "I mean, you would be called Grand Duchess of Calrania and retain all your other titles; not only that, you'd be considered the most powerful woman in all of Levelia! It doesn't get any better than that."

"That's the problem, I would be challenging the power of the Empress directly. If both our families were on the same side then this proposal may have worked, but we're not. Your family is challenging the authority of the Imperial House, while mine is supporting it. I'm sorry, your grace, but I refuse to accept this proposal," I replied with a huff.

"That may be so, but it's not like I support my father's decision," He drew closer to me and said, "Once I become Grand Duke I'll abolish my father's policies and support the Levochtochs again. Right now, it would be too risky to encourage my father's wrath, so, what do you say?"

I shoved his face out of the way and said, "Thank you for the 'generous' offer, your grace, but once again I cannot accept."

I opened my fan and brisk walked away from the man to the other side of gargantuan hall. Whilst trying to escape the duke, numerous men tried to grab my attention or outright grabbed onto me, but I swiftly escaped from their grasps and raced towards the end of the hall.

The number of people in this area of the Imperial Hall gradually decreased as the Primordial Throne (the throne of the monarch) grew closer and closer to my line of sight. The people here were mostly councilors, senators, representatives, families from the Great Houses, and members of the Imperial Family. Meaning, most of the aristocrats and lesser nobles wouldn't be able to withstand the scrutinizing gaze of the Great Houses, the politicians, and the Empress herself. There were also a greater number of guards from the Imperis Sadavan and the Imperis Sayavrett the closer I got towards the throne.

As I approached, I was greeted warmly by the senators and representatives I met; young ladies from other Great Houses also curtsied upon seeing me. In the corner of my eye, I saw a group of men huddled together, "They think their secrets are safe," I scoffed at the thought and continued to make my way towards the end.

"It seems out of character for you to be here, Samina" A voice whispered behind me.

I turned to see Dayos standing behind me.

"I told you not to do that to me," I sighed, relieved that it wasn't the duke.

"Well, it's been quite sometime since you came up here, so I just decided to... you know, surprise you," He grinned mischievously.

Dayos Feradrochen Levochtoch, Prince of Yer'Lovoyef and youngest son of Empress Alessandra. One of the Imperis Bordrois' (a branch of the Imperis Battavyesch) most formidable spies and assassins, having completed every mission he was sent on perfectly or without any unnecessary consequences. Clad in traditional royal clothing and handsomely decorated with badges and medals of honor from his various missions. Many young noblewomen have longed for his hand, I mean who wouldn't? He's a decorated member of Levelia's elite armed forces, the Imperis Battavyesch, he has a great build, he towers over the average Lumin, and he is nothing less than handsome. Little do these innocent noblewomen know that their "dream prince" is nothing but a mischievous monster.

"Well, if you must know, I was being harassed into accepting a marriage proposal so I thought it best to seek refuge here."

"Hmm, not surprising, but quite intriguing for you to be scared of things like these," He retorted.

"It was from Duke Levbronem, of course I would be scared," I closed my fan and continued, "I wouldn't know what the man would do to me, considering what he's done to his past 'lovers'."

He scoffed, "And what if I proposed to you, would you accept or would you seek refuge elsewhere?"

His gaze pierced mine, I was caught off guard for a moment but regained my composure and replied, "It would be an honor, you Imperial Highness; but I would have to decline."

"And why? I'm nothing like the Duke of Alason, and besides I'm gentler as compared to him," His cheeky grin still plastered all over his face.

"I'm afraid you're incorrect, you are far WORSE than that pitiful duke and I would stay clear from your... rather debauched... romantic desires."

He gasped, "Bold of you to assume that I perform debauched acts on anyone!"

I giggled, "I'm kidding, but I would rather stay focus on my duties first before I get married."

He nodded and replied, "So you're going down the menyott route, huh?"

I smacked Dayos on the arm with my fan, "I intend to FOCUS on my responsibilities, unlike some people around here," I retorted.

"Alright, alright, calm down," He chuckled.

"Onto another topic, are you accompanying the Empress to the tour?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" He looked at me, "Are you gonna miss me?"

"Dayos, please," I stared back at him.

"Alright, I'm sorry, but yes, I will be accompanying my mother to Cragholven," He replied.

I rolled my eyes and opened my fan, tired of Dayos' flirting.

"Hey Day! Woah..." Thomas came up to us, shocked upon seeing me, "First off, why are you here Samina? Second, what the fuck did you say to Sam that made her open her fan?"

"Well..." Dayos looked away and began to scratch his neck.

"To answer your first question, I came here to escape a certain duke who has RELENTLESSLY tried to take my hand in marriage, rather forcefully," I answered "For your second question, well, that's between Dayos and I."

I winked back at Thomas and he replied, "Alright, fine, you guys are keeping secrets from me now?"

"It's best you not know what we spoke about," Dayos replied, "If it made her uncomfortable, it would probably make you too."

"Fine, fine, I was just kidding; but I find it hard to believe that Sam would get this close to the throne," Thomas said.

"Oh right, what happened to your date, Lady Orelia?" I asked, mischief gleaming in my eyes.

"W-what, oh, Orelia... right," Thomas sheepishly muttered.

"Orelia? Wait, I've heard that name before..." Dayos paused to think, "Is she Lady Orelia of House Gombuv?"

"Yes, and Thomas decided to take her out tonight, but she's nowhere in sight," I looked at him cheekily.

Thomas, now red from embarrassment, could say nothing to defend himself.

"You did what?!" Dayos exclaimed.

"I mean, her brother asked so what was I supposed to do?!"

"Reject his offer you blockhead! Gracious Creator you're worse than Pyotr."

"I owed him a favor! I didn't know this was how I was supposed to repay him..." Thomas muttered in defeat.

"Now that you've explained why you brought the innocent child here..." I pointed back towards the nobles and aristocrats, "I saw her with the sons of Lord Olsenif, and knowing how sexually active they are... it's best if you ran after her."

"If I found out they did anything bad to her..." Thomas cracked his knuckles, "May Agarok have mercy."

Dayos and I watched as Thomas stormed off into the crowd.

"So..." I closed my fan and looked up at the man next to me.

"So?" He looked down at me.

"A little bird came to my window one day, and told me something about the Imperial Tour..."

Dayos' face turned serious, "And?"

"I know one of the girls and..." I paused, "I can ask her myself, you can attach a recording device on me if you want but don't send any of your men."

"Which one?" He drew closer, his towering figure blocking out the light.

I contemplated on whether I would say who or not, but his intimidating presence made me cave.

I tiptoed and whispered the girls name into Dayos' ear.

I looked back at him, and his face softened.

"Fine, I'll agree to your terms, but if she is who we're looking for then you better surrender her to me."

I nodded and shakily opened my fan, anxiety and fear gripped my hands. Was what I did the correct thing to do... I just, I hope it is. Diana, would you be able to forgive me for what I would do? Creator, have mercy on me and on Diana.