


As Devia and I traversed through the palace, I was still in awe of the extravagance and excess.

"I still can't get used to all of this," I directed to Devia.

"I understand," Devia paused, "Many have claimed to surpass the palace's grandeur, but none can eclipse this masterpiece."

"I thought the Federal Palace of Cragholven was grand, but this... is incredible,"

"Decadence will be the end of Levelia."

"W-what?" I stared at Devia in shock.

"Pride and arrogance; feigned ignorance. All of this will be Levelia's downfall," Devia answered.

"I remembered Samina talking about this on Cragholven," I said.

"The Prince's failed mission?" Devia pointed out.

"Yes, and how her grandmother had to negotiate with the Empress."

"I found it odd; that Lady Merisa had to intervene."

"Maybe she was just looking out for Sam."

Devia thought momentarily and said, "The Duchess Dowager would do something like that, but I can't help but feel like there's something more to it."

"Sam's grandmother is a Dowager Duchess?" I asked.

"Yes, for now," Devia paused, "She manages the estates and businesses of the family for her son, the Duke of Namsef."

"How does that make any sense?"

"It doesn't. The Duke of Namsef barely has any engagements from his role as a Councilor. So it wouldn't make sense for him to put all his work on Lady Merisa," Devia argued.

"I don't have the mental power to deal with this right now. Can we eat breakfast first and then deal with the issue?"

"R-right, of course, m'lady."

We approached the grand dining hall and noticed numerous people waiting outside.

"Why are there so many people outside?" I wondered.

"Oh, the Empress must've invited the Councilors and their families for breakfast too," Devia answered.

"Oh, there's Sam right there!" I said as I pointed in her direction.

Me and Devia walked up to her. She was speaking with Thomas and someone I didn't recognize. Thomas noticed our approach, and he waved at us.

"Finally, you've arrived!" Thomas exclaimed.

"Good morning. Has everyone been waiting for a long time?"

"No, we just came early," Thomas answered.

"Ah-h-h-h, I see."

"Did Devia pick out that dress for you?"

"Oh, I picked it. Devia helped me put it on," I answered.

"That dress suits you," He leaned closer and whispered, "But puts a target on your head."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see," Thomas turned his attention to Devia and said, "Anyways, Devia, what did you help Diana put on?"

"Everything," Devia smirked.

"I don't know what goes where, okay?" I reasoned.

"You don't know where the bodice goes?" Thomas teased.

"The undergarments," I loudly whispered.

Thomas and Devia chuckled; while I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

"It's alright, m'lady. There's nothing wrong with not knowing how Levelian clothes work," Devia comforted.

I tried to calm myself down, but something in me couldn't help but feel ashamed. Then, trumpets blared across the hall. We all turned toward the direction of the sound and saw the Empress and her children approach. Everyone around me began to bend and bow, so I followed along.

I glanced at the royal entourage and was awestruck by their majesty. They were a picture of perfection. Grandiose and untouchable. It felt suffocating, especially with the corset I was wearing.

When they passed, I rose back up and gazed at them. Was this why Mother left her life as a princess? All the attention and the rules that she had to follow?

A sudden tap on my shoulder frightened me, making me jump. I turned quickly and saw Samina with a towering woman next to her.

"Sorry I frightened you," Samina apologized.

"This is my mother, Duchess Kreykaschka of House Levensyek, and High Menyott of the Divine Sacrifice," Samina introduced the statuesque woman to her left.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Diana," the Duchess said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well," I replied.

My head craned as I tried to get a good look at her. She wore the headdress of a High Menyott and the garbs a regular menyott would wear. The only noticeable difference in her outfit was the crest of House Levensyek etched onto her golden corset.

"Shall we?" the Duchess asked.

We nodded and headed into the dining hall. As I crossed the threshold, I gazed at the colossal dining room. Its high, vaulted ceilings reflected light from the mammoth windows that lined the richly decorated walls. Columns dotted each side, holding up the vaulted roof. I didn't notice I had strayed away until I felt a presence loom behind me.

"Stop gawking like a peasant," A voice hissed behind me.

I turned around and almost fainted by who stood behind me.

"I didn't know Mother invited you to breakfast," Prince Dayos sneered.

I couldn't speak or move. My mind went blank.

"Y-you," Was all I could mutter.

"What?" The imposing man quizzed, "Awestruck?"

I snapped out of my mental block and glared at him.

"No, just surprised."

"Surprised with what?" He leaned down and continued, "I live here. This entire complex is my home."

"So? You're not the man of the house," I quipped.

Taken aback by the insult, he countered with, "And you're technically just a hostage, so who has the real power here?"

Before anything else could happen, a woman tapped the prince on the shoulder.

"Dayos, that is enough. We do not intimidate guests. Go to your seat," She ordered.

He locked eyes with me momentarily before brushing the lady's hand away to leave.

"Please forgive my brother. He's still trying to cope with his failure on Cragholven. I'm Alexandra, Orkoschen Imperii of Levelia*," She introduced herself.

"Your Imperial Highness," I greeted while performing a curtsy.

"Please, call me Sandra."

"Alright... Sandra," I responded.

She smiled sweetly and said, "I've heard a lot about you from the Empress; and some of the Councilors."

"Is it the garden incident or something else?"

"Yes, but mostly Mother's experiences with you," Sandra answered.

"Oh?" I wondered.

"Let's continue this conversation while eating, shall we?" Sandra asked.

"Of course!" I replied.

As we approached the enormous dining table, I noticed the heavy atmosphere around the guests. It only got more burdensome as we neared the end of the table. The Imperial family was seated here, and the tension was high.

* The Orkoschen Imperii of Levelia is a title given to the eldest daughter of the ruling monarch. Similar to the British royal title of Princess Royal (i.e. Anne, Princess Royal).