
More Questions than Answers


The chitchat of the nobles seemed to die down as we stayed near the magnificent tree.

I stared in awe of its scale and the light it produced. It was as bright as the sun, but it didn't give off any heat and wasn't painful to look at. 

"We call it 'Ver-Kreyshavadin' or 'The Tree of Creation.' It is one of three progenitor crystal trees to exist in the galaxy," Explained Devia.

"I'm guessing one of them is on Senlov, then?" 

"Yes, and the third one is on Vanadee."

"In Muthrata?" Surprised, I questioned Devia, "I have friends from Muthrata..."

"From Vanadee?"

"No, they were one of the few that were rescued before the Xanadeen Cataclysm," I recalled Amanda and Al's stories about the rushed evacuation and them witnessing the destruction of their homeworld.

"I-I'm sorry, but they must be doing fine now, yes?" 

"Yup! Though, they find it hard to ingest anything good back on Cragholven," I mused.

Gazing up at the massive tree, Devia spoke, "These trees represent the four Primordial Celestials and are symbols of the Creator's grace and protection over our galaxy. But ever since Lumin Divaschka's destruction, and the death of the Primordial One the protection the Creator placed has been weakening."

"What does that mean, for us at least?"

"I'm sure you've noticed the Xenem's sudden awakening, as evidenced by their destruction of Xanadee."

I nodded slowly, listening carefully to every word Devia had to say.

"The cyborgs must have detected something, and the High Marshall of Lonbenum did as well. Soon enough, the intelligence division of the Creyaltver, that is the Ravens, noticed erratic patterns being sent to different planets within the galaxy. Six were identified and these planets housed interrelated artifacts that, if assembled, could spell the end of the entire universe."

I couldn't take Devia seriously and let out a small chuckle.

"This isn't funny, Diana. Or should I say, Dayastra?"

She meant business, and my poor sense of humor had to take a back seat for now.

"Has anyone ever told you of the entity called The Devourer?"

"U-uhm... No."

"The archives of the Creyaltver hold few records about the It. However, the Kreysalvem states that he was once a Celestial. He was cast down from the Celestial Abode after he killed his brother and rebelled against the Creator."

"Okay, hold on just a minute," I interrupted Devia, "I'm trying my best to understand but it's getting quite complicated. First of all, what and where was Lumin Divaschka? Lastly, what does this entity called the Devourer have to do with any of this?"

"Apologies, I just thought you needed to know... I'll explain everything later after tea."

"Fine, but I expect a thorough explanation."

Devia nodded and we stood there in silence. 

Thoughts swirled across my mind as I tried to grasp the reality of the situation. Why was I here? What does the Devourer have to do with me? And why did Devia have to dump me with all of this information?!

I just hope she'll explain everything, it's just too much at this point.