500: Everything Starts Again (6)

The person who called her was her department-mate, Lu Jing'en, who, like her, was also a foreign student and a Chinese American.

Lu Jing'en was twenty-one, the same age as Tara Summer, but was still a sophomore student.

She's a Chinese-American mix, grew up in China, and returned to the United States in high school, which is why she speaks fluent Chinese and English.

Lu Jing'en is lively and vibrant; to outsiders, she could seem quite off-the-wall, but Tara hit it off with her. Both in the field of medicine, they became just like old friends in less than two weeks, everyone felt like they had met each other too late.

"Of course not! Get out here, I have a bunch of friends over here!" Lu Jing'en shouted into the phone, her voice was unusually excited, her emotions were barely suppressed.

Tara naturally heard it and held back a laugh. She understood Pei Missy. If she was this excited, it must be for one of two reasons.