North Tang sighed deeply and took long strides away.
Only then did Emma Benson dare to raise her head and look at the backs of the group of people in front of her, finally letting the tears flood her face.
Goodbye, Walter...
Emma stood still for a long time before leaving the bar. After getting into a taxi, she phoned to book a flight. It was already past midnight, and she managed to get a ticket for a flight to Berlin at three in the afternoon that same day.
She put down her phone and her gaze fell on the back of her right hand, only then noticing a five-centimeter wound, likely from being cut by shards of a bottle earlier.
The wound wasn't bleeding much, but it was particularly conspicuous against her fair skin.
She gently caressed it with her finger, closed her eyes, and paid it no mind...
Half an hour later, she returned to the hotel with wobbly legs, not quite knowing how she made it back to her room.