Going to the Field

A tall girl with a ponytail was walking in the watermelon field.

Looking up, she saw a large patch of green watermelon vines that were very thick. The vine leaves that were like eagle claws were lush. There were very obvious small ridges on them and very dense white soft fur. It was so pleasing.

Each round green watermelon was covered under the watermelon leaves or covered in hay. They looked so cute and pleasant.

She really wanted to go to the field to pick one and carry it home.

This was the first time she had seen watermelons growing in the fields. She was a little excited.

Gu Qingming was about to get off the ground and personally experience the fun of picking watermelons when her grandmother chased after her and shouted, "Darling, be careful. It's slippery here. Don't slide down."

Gu Qingming looked around her with an excited expression.

She asked, "Grandma, is this what watermelons in the fields look like?"