Little Farce! (1)

Gao Wenwen followed these farmers to their fields to check the quality of their watermelons.

Some watermelons were not sweet and did not pass!

Someone's watermelons had pesticide residue that exceeded the mark!

These were all rejected!

Some of the watermelons did not look good, but since the sweetness was reached, they would buy them at their discretion. The price would be lower than others.

However, she could not accept watermelons which were not sweet and good-looking.

She definitely could not accept such watermelons.

She wasn't in a charity business. She would buy watermelons whenever she saw good ones!

Not only was Shi Zuoliang's watermelons of poor aesthetics, but they were also not sweet. Moreover, there was a lot of white flesh and no juice. They could be said to be the worst watermelons she had assessed.

Of course, Gao Wenwen refused.

However, Shi Zuoliang was a scoundrel.