Observations (2)

They walked side by side and hand in hand as they fast became the center of attraction.

This group of women was young and beautiful. Some were slightly older, but they still had charm and temperament. They attracted the attention of men and women on the streets. Some men followed them along the way.

A child pointed at the group of women and exclaimed, "Mom, that sister is so beautiful."

"The young lady in the middle is really beautiful. She's like a famous celebrity on television. She's so fair."

No matter how eye-catching Gu Qingming and the others were, Aunt and the others protected Gu Qingming in the middle, not letting her come into contact with the pedestrians outside.

They all knew that Gu Qingming was unwilling to be touched by anyone.

"Mom, where are we going now?" Eldest Aunt asked.

First Aunt asked Gu Qingming, "Mingming, where do you want to go?"