Searching for Clues

"A fruit shop?" Lei Wenjun's fierce face revealed a cold smile. He said sharply, "Then do you know how big her fruit shop is?"

"How… how big?" Li Zhengming stuttered in panic.

"They have at least one branch in every city. How many cities do you think there are in China?"

He only found out about it from a friend when he noticed that something was wrong.

"Ah… That big a scale?" Li Zhengming said in disbelief, "Is… Is she that rich?"

"Rich?" Lei Wenjun said coldly, "Then do you know who her father is?"

"Who… who is it?" Li Zhengming stuttered again.

The more he asked, the more nervous he became.

The more nervous he was, the more he stuttered!

"Gao Yang from Heng Yang Group!"

"The real estate tycoon of Sea City, Gao Yang?" Li Zhengming was shocked.