Sisters Working Together (2)

After Lei Wenjun finished scolding, he wanted to take down Gao Wenwen in one fell swoop.

They fought, run, and shouted. At this moment, Gao Wenwen was really exhausted and had no strength.

What she had to do now was do her best to conserve her strength.

If she and Mingming couldn't defeat the crooks, she would have some strength to escape so that she wouldn't be a burden.

But the other party was going to use his ultimate move.

Gao Wenwen's back was against the wall. She held her chest with one hand, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth. Her head was covered in sweat, and her face was pale. This time, let alone the strength to escape, she did not even have the strength to dodge. She could only watch helplessly as the opponent attacked.

Although this kick was not fatal, it almost took away half of Gao Wenwen's life.