Pumpkin Seed

After eating the snacks by the roadside, Grandma Gu was very satisfied.

Although they were not as delicious as the food made by the chef at home, they had their unique taste. Perhaps she would miss them in the future.

After the group of people ate, they strolled around the snack street.

Suddenly, Gu Qingming realized that there was something that looked like seeds beside a stall selling beef miscellaneous goods.

"What… what seed is this?" Gu Qingming asked.

"These are pumpkin seeds," Grandma said. "Are they seeds, or are they stir-fried?"

The person selling pumpkin seeds was an old man in his sixties. She said, "These are seeds!"

Sister-in-law was surprised.

She smiled and asked, "Old man, the stalls in this street peddle food. Only yours sells seeds. How did you think of selling seeds here?"