Smash It All!

Shi Tietou's family did not care about Liu Sanxiu's cries.

They smashed everything they could.

Especially after her aunt brought Gu Qingming over, she heard that the woman Shi Bangqing brought back was also pointing at Gu Qingming and scolding her as a vixen. This was simply adding fuel to the fire.

They wanted to leave them a way out originally but now they would go all out.

They smashed them all.

After smashing it, Shi Tietou looked at them and said coldly, "Hmph, if you want to call the police, then call the police. I'll wait. I can go in and be detained for a few days, but it's absolutely impossible to compensate you!"

"Aiyo, is there no law? He's too bullying and domineering!" Liu Sanxiu sat on the ground and patted her thigh as she cried. "Aiyo, my house. These black-hearted people have smashed my house up. What should I do? They're too much. Boohoo…"

Liu Sanxiu was really sad and hateful this time.