Greenhouse Rice

Since the family had agreed to let Gu Qingming farm, the parcel of land was left to Gu Qingming.

However, just as Eldest Uncle was about to hire a master to build a greenhouse, he thought of a problem.

Rice was planted on that piece of land not long ago.

Gu Qingming looked at the green rice in the field and made a call.

"Wenwen, you usually go to the countryside. Have you seen anyone planting rice in a greenhouse?"

Gao Wenwen said, "Yes. It's not rare to grow greenhouse rice. Not only can greenhouse prevent insect diseases, but production is also high. Oh, girl, why are you suddenly asking about this?"

Gu Qingming smiled and said, "I just saw my eldest uncle's rice and suddenly thought of this. Wenwen, do you have any experts in this area to introduce it or any books on this?"