Meeting Again



The sound of emergency brakes and a car rear-ending!

Mo Junyan's upper body rushed forward and leaned back. After he sat down, his deep eyes stared straight ahead as he asked coldly, "What's going on?"

"President Mo, I'm sorry. A car behind us rushed forward too quickly. I dodged for a while and bumped into the car in front," the driver, Old Li, explained in fear.

However, he cursed the person who drove too fast in his heart.

He drove so fast. Was he in a hurry to reincarnate?!

Old Li was an experienced driver.

When Mo Junyan heard this, he frowned slightly.

Mo Junyan said, "Get down and deal with it first!"

"Yes, President Mo!" Old Li said respectfully.

Old Li got out of the car to deal with the rear-end collision.