Yes, We Know Each Other

When Li Hongmei stabbed at Gu Qingming with a dagger, Mo Junyan shouted, "Be careful!" and quickly hugged Gu Qingming to the side. He raised his foot and kicked Li Hongmei's leg.

With a clang, the dagger fell to the ground.


Li Hongmei was kicked to the ground and was in a sorry state.

Grandmother was very angry. She walked towards Li Hongmei angrily and slapped her face a few times. She scolded angrily, "Li Hongmei, you b*tch. Do you have a terrible grudge against us? First, you tricked me out, kidnapped me, and now you want to kill my Ming'er. Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Li Hongmei lay on the ground, passively enduring her grandmother's slap.

Grandma Shi was old, but people who worked in the countryside all year round had a lot of strength.

Li Hong Meii's face, which had been slapped hard, quickly swelled up.

"B*tch, b*tch, does my family owe you anything? Why are you scheming against my family?"