Shameless President Mo!

In a luxurious courtyard house somewhere in the capital, under the shade of a large parasol tree, a tall and slender man in luxurious clothes was lying on a rocking chair. Beside him stood a bodyguard-like man in black.

"Oh, is that so? He actually went to such a small place and didn't bring bodyguards?" His tone was light, but there was an authority that couldn't be ignored.

"Yes, Master. This is a good opportunity, aren't we going to…?" The man in black made a throat-slitting gesture.

"Yes, this is indeed a good opportunity!" The man said lightly. "As long as he disappears, the Mo Family will definitely suffer a huge blow, and the Mo Corporation will definitely collapse. This is indeed a great opportunity!"

The man in black standing at the side was sweating profusely.

It was a very ordinary sentence, but it made one's heart tremble.

Although this master spoke slowly and was easy to talk to, he was a ruthless person.