Excited to Meet Her Daughter-in-law

"Aiya, why are these oranges so sour?" After eating the oranges on the street, someone suddenly asked in confusion, "Why are the oranges here so sour?"

"Ah, is yours sour?" Another person ate an orange and said, "The orange I'm eating isn't sour. It's very sweet! But perhaps it's too sweet. I can't taste the orange fragrance at all! It's pure sweetness!"

"My orange is sour and sweet, but I can't taste the orange fragrance!"

"Boss Shi, why are these oranges so different from the ones you sent?"

"That's right. I thought the oranges here were all sent by Boss Shi!"

Shi Lichun found it difficult to answer these people's questions!

After all, it was good to buy good navel oranges on the street. If you didn't, then so be it.

However, regardless of whether these roadside navel oranges were good or bad, letting foreign customers buy them would have a certain impact on perceptions about the quality and brand of Pingyang County's navel oranges.