What Happened Back Then

After Gu Qingming heard Mrs. Mo relate the story of Mo Junyan's allergy to women, her mood changed slightly.

She had never thought that the high and mighty man, who looked down on everything in the business world, would have such an unbearable past.

Mrs. Mo casually told him the story of Mo Junyan's kidnapping. However, for a child to have such serious side effects, this process must have been unimaginably humiliating.

Gu Qingming didn't know if she should sympathize with Mo Junyan or pity him.

Gu Qingming had also experienced kidnapping when she was young. Although those kidnappers were vicious, these people only wanted money and did not do anything unnecessary. It was really different.

When Mrs. Mo was talking about Mo Junyan, she secretly sized up Gu Qingming from the corner of her eye, wanting to see something from her expression.