Many Plans

The next day, other than the children, the owners of the house had already woken up, leaving the guests to wake up one after another.

They were too tired from the journey yesterday and went to the mountain to pick oranges for the entire afternoon. At night, they were too excited and chatted in the courtyard for a long time. When they went to their rooms to sleep, it was already very late.

As a result, most guests woke up late.

Mo Ronghua and her husband were an exception and got up early.

Early in the morning, the couple strolled around the village like they were from the same village.

Mo Ronghua held Madam's hand and said, "The scenery here is really good. It's so comfortable to breathe fresh air early in the morning. No wonder Mingming doesn't want to go back after coming here. This is indeed a good place to recuperate."