Land Rental Crisis (1)

It was almost the end of the year, and the young people who had gone out to work had returned one after another.

Many young people returned earlier than in previous years.

It was only because of the rental of land in the village.

The village committee was involved in the matter of renting land, but because of the villagers' wishes, this matter was delayed until the end of the year. They would discuss it when the young people returned one after another.

As such, the negotiations could only be completed at the beginning of spring.

Gu Qingming took her uncle's method. She could rent 200 acres of land separately and use 50 acres as a large shed. She needed to hire someone to build four large sheds for 200 acres of land.

This had to be done before spring. Otherwise, it would delay the spring seed.

The 200 acres of land were not in the same village but it was relatively simple to fix it.