Exuberant Growth

Stoneback Village's specialty shop was finally online and open for business.

Zhou Fangfang put up everything that was to be sold from the village.

There was a good quantity of items put up on sale.

Other than processed food that was not online for the time being, the things the villagers brought over were all online after Gu Qingming invited the Shi family to select. There were even carrots and cabbages.

However, since it was a new shop and the traffic was still small, some customers were just curious and had no intention of placing an order.

When the villagers found out that the online shop had opened, they couldn't help but feel nervous.

They had high hopes for this shop.

They hoped to sell the items and create a way to make money.

After all, the things they sold were cultivated well. Their taste and taste were not bad.