
Lin Xiaochuan and Boss Zhang seemed to have expected Bi Qi's attitude.

Lin Xiaochuan gave Boss Zhang a look.

Boss Zhang immediately went forward and said with a smile, "Aiya, CEO Bi, this is all my fault! It's my mistake. I got the logistics wrong. These ordinary materials were ordered by another customer. I didn't expect that we made a mistake when loading the car. If we hadn't received Master Zhang's call, we wouldn't have realized it."

Bi Qi said with a fake smile, "Oh, is that so? I definitely didn't notice it. Then, if another client suddenly gets such high-end renovation materials, the cost will be much higher than ordinary materials. When the renovation is done, it will be a luxurious renovation. However, will they be willing to return it? Perhaps they have already started renovating?"

Boss Zhang immediately smiled and said, "They should be able to return it."

After all, there was really no such client.