Humiliation (2)

"Just as we were about to leave, we met a man." Guo Meili continued, "The lady at the front desk called him Manager Sun. He's the person in charge of the hotel's procurement department! He asked us to go to his office!"

Manager Sun, who had a big belly, called Shi Yuxin and Guo Meili to his office and casually locked the door.

Shi Yuxin and Guo Meili were a little puzzled, but they thought that they were discussing something in the office and needed to keep it a secret.

However, when Manager Sun closed the door, his expression changed.

He sized up Guo Meili with a lecherous gaze. From head to toe, from her face to her waist and chest, his gaze seemed to be getting brighter and brighter. He kept nodding as if he was very satisfied.

This made Guo Meili feel uneasy. SHi Yuxin immediately shielded his wife behind him with a guarded expression. He said, "Manager Sun, what are you doing?"