Peanut Oil

Gu Qingming received a call from Dai Zhengxin and heard him say, "President Gu, there's not enough organic vegetables. Can you distribute some peanut oil? Two catties of peanut oil is really not enough. Think about it, we're in a big hotel. Two catties of peanut oil can only be used to stir-fry a few dishes, right? How many customers can we supply with just these few dishes? You… aren't you asking me to offend my customers?"

The corners of Gu Qingming's lips curled up as she said with a smile, "President Dai, these words… If I remember correctly, most of the cooking oil used in your five-star hotel is imported olive oil. This is vegetable oil that's healthier than peanut oil. I'm afraid not many people who go to a five-star hotel to eat would prefer peanut oil!"