
As soon as Gu Qingming left Stoneback Village, the little fairy immediately said solemnly, "Master, someone is following us!"

Gu Qingming frowned and asked, "Little Kong, can you tell who it is?"

Little Kong shook his head and said, "I can't tell who they are, but I don't sense any malice from them!"

"No ill intentions?" Gu Qingming asked in confusion. "Then who is monitoring me?"

Little Kong stopped and tilted its head. "Yes, who is spying on you? No, they don't have any ill intentions. It shouldn't be considered spying. Master, could it be that they're protecting you?"

Gu Qingming frowned again, still puzzled. "Protect me? That's impossible! If my father sent someone to protect me, he should have informed me!"

If it was about protection, Gu Qingming would definitely think of her father first!

"Then it might not be Master's father!" Little Kong said. "Then who could it be?"