Shi Xiaohui

Ever since Second Senior Brother and Third Elder Brother Shi Yaoqing became internet celebrities, Stoneback Village suddenly became popular. From time to time, tourists from all over the world would visit the village.

In the past year or so, the standard of living of the villagers of Stoneback Village had improved rapidly.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Qingming was contracting land and needed manpower from time to time, many young people who used to go out to work planned to stay at home.

After all, who would be willing to leave their hometown, where their parents and children were, and go out to work if they were not forced by circumstances? They could only come back once or twice a year.

If something happened at home, they would not be able to rush back in time.

Therefore, even if it was to accompany one's parents and children, one would definitely be willing to stay if he had the conditions.