Happy Family

They originally wanted to treat Mo Junyan coldly for a while to show everyone's support towards Gu Qingming and her daughter.

In fact, they still thought that Mo Junyan was barely worthy of their baby.

It was like the the cabbages at home being been stolen by a pig.

His grandparents and uncles felt the same way.

More than 20 years ago, a good cabbage of the Shi family was stolen by a pig surnamed Gu.

More than twenty years later, the cabbage that the Shi and Gu families had painstakingly planted was stolen by the pig surnamed Mo again.

This feeling was really unpleasant.

But there was nothing they could do.

Even if the good cabbages at home were not stolen by them, they would still be stolen by others.

They couldn't keep planting them.

Even if it was a pig, it was still the most outstanding pig.

Eldest Uncle had met Mo Junyan a year ago.