Chapter 57: An unexpected event.

"Cheers everyone! We cleared the tenth floor of Azrael tower!" Kastor said with a big smile on his face.

Everyone was cheering at each other because it was their first achievement but even so it was all thanks to Mykel and his team, Asmond was there to kill the demon lord so it was justified for them to celebrate. Asmond was the center of the attention and they were all so happy for him because, without him, the Guild Association would take all the credits for the clearance.

Asmond was overwhelmed by all the attention and decided to cool down a bit on the balcony. He grabbed his phone and tried to call Jeanne, but she didn't pick up her phone and it went to voicemail.

"Sorry to call you this late at night, you must be asleep right now. I just wanted to call that let's meet up because I didn't see you earlier and thought you left already, so can you call me back so we can decide when we can hang out?"