Chapter 60: An inevitable war.

Everyone was still in shock after what they saw except for Agnez and Lillith. They never thought that Mykel would do something like that and they were curious about the reason behind his decision to kill that man.

"I can feel your gazes, you know that?" Mykel said as he glanced at Gunnar and the others.

"Can I ask you the reason why you killed that man, Mykel?" Jeanne asked nervously.

"There are so many constellations out there, and not everyone wants the same thing," Mykel answered as he looked back. "Some just want to have some fun, they don't care about what we are against as long as they have their fun. That guy was one of their toys and we don't know how many of them will be in the future," he continued as he sighed and looked at them.

The reason why Mykel killed them was that it was Loki's idea, and that idea was to overthrow Thanatos from the throne of Death Arcana. Loki wanted more Norse Gods and Goddesses to be sitting on the throne at the heptagon table.