Chapter 70: The first world, Helmga.

"Sir! We have taken all the gates and now the knights are repairing the damages to prevent the demons from coming!" A knight said as soon as he entered the hall with a huge smile on his face.

"What a word..." Kurgreo said as he covered his eyes with his hand, he didn't want the others to see him tearing his eyes but he couldn't hide his sniffle.

It was just silence in the hall other than Kurgreo's sniffles, Edith could feel the emotion in the room and she couldn't help but lowered her head and took a deep breath. Mykel looked at the hall and saw so many sofas and tables on the sides and only two of them were occupied.

Gunnar was the first one to come into the hall with Nagy and Jeanne, then Rozan with Vincze and Sven. Lastly, Agnez and Lillith came into the hall, Gunnar and the others were just standing there behind Mykel who stood in the middle of the hall.