Chapter 75: Recognized as God.

All of them fell on their back as soon as they heard Mykel's words. He could change all the Awakeners' levels as he pleased, but he didn't want to use it since it would only make him less superior to them. There was no reason for him to do that to Gunnar and the others since they could do things on their own, so he wanted to keep it that way until it was necessary to change their level.

"What's he trying to say, Euros? What did he do?!" Kurgreo asked as he looked at Euros with fear and curiosity at the same time.

"He changed my level to 50 in an instant," Euros answered and it made all of them stare at him with disbelief. "He did it so easily, I didn't even feel anything when my level rose to 50!" he continued and gulped nervously.